Saturday, April 24, 2010


Today is a new day in my life.
Today, I will forget everything and everyone that had been in my past.
Today I will set all my wrongs right.
Today, I pledge to follow a new set of principles that will govern my life.
Today, I am going to start afresh.

All of us have had thoughts on similar grounds at some point in our lives. Some of us have honoured it while some of us have made efforts but stuttered on the path. Despite the gulf between these different category of people, each and everyone has inherently been making the same choices as before. In other words, we never become better. Again, this better implies a lot of things. We make new choices centric to different aspects of ourselves. Here, I am focusing solely on relationships.

What do we define to be a relationship? Literally, any interaction is a sort of relationship or the other. However, any discussion on a subject as broad as this is never going to end up anywhere. Therefore, I would like to delve into the subject of 'close' relationships.

What are 'close' relationships?
"Well, they are people with whom we are 'close'."
"These are people with whom we can share our inner feelings and speak our minds knowing we have their full support."

These are some of the viewpoints we generally get from people when questioned on the same.

I am not debating on the definition of a 'close' relationship rather what brings people 'close'. I am a common man with no extra-ordinary gifts and thus I too accept a person to be close to me with whom I can share my feelings. I am sure it works the same way for most of the people. However, a lot has been on my mind recently and it got me thinking on these lines.

I am beginning to view such interpersonal activities more of a sort of PROSTITUTION of LANGUAGE. When I feel hungry and want to treat myself to a meal in a lavish restaurant, I can just call a friend and tell him we are going outside. He is never going to ask me 'why'? On the other hand, for example, if a man asks his lady for her company, she is always going to believe that there is a special reason behind it. The man will have to wittingly use a combination of words to first appease her and impress upon her that he would be here with nobody else. He will have to fabricate his hunger in a mould that it is not.

In a general sense, coming close almost always implies sharing your woes. When you are happy, you don't need to talk about it. It can be felt by anyone. But when you are hiding something, there will come a point where you would need to open up to someone or 'share your woes'. I feel relationships are built on this mutual sharing of woes and are destroyed because of these woes. Once, you have shared your darkest secrets with someone, you become vulnerable to that person. A relationship develops and this continued sharing of woes makes the bond stronger. A few may argue that I am overlooking the other aspects of a relationship, but truly strength lies in despair. A relationship ends because one partner has done his part of sharing and is free to start again. He is no longer interested in listening to the woes of the other. This is where everything starts deteriorating.

Think closely. What have we done if not used language for a living. We accumulate trash in our heads through the medium of thoughts, and let go perfectly through relationships with language as the medium. What is this if not sheer prostitution.

About making those new choices and not becoming better; we let go of the past and profess prostitution again, only the actors change.